Durmenach, 20th september 2015

[gallery type="rectangular" size="medium" ids="12,10,55,56" orderby="rand"] Update: I had to change form, so sorry for the first 3 answers: they weren't right anyway ;) Sunday, 20th September 2015, I'll participate to my first market. Preparation is undergoing since spring! Joining effort with my pals Janet and Jo, and with the sewing help of my mom, it's all been very fun! My "marketing efforts" are mainly helped by my other pal Michela, from far away Western Australia: she's an outstanding Digital Strategist and many of my choices are taken only if she agrees with them! Her support, along with the support from my family and my other friends is being essential for the organisation of this little event! But back to Durmenach! In Durmenach there will be on sales the new kids line, the hats and the shawls. But there will be something new too, something charming, girly, and in all the colours of the rainbow! I will speak about it after the market, as for now they will be only available off-line. But stay put for some pictures appearing here and there next week-end while I'll be in Rimini for La Festa della Rete, where I'll speak with some friends about wool. But what will be these new products? Try to guess :) [googleapps domain="docs" dir="forms/d/1XCqjDUIQtEUcNgdei9i6YhpCw6EcHZualDEX8TNeyxY/viewform" query="embedded=true" width="760" height="500" /] The first 5 people that will get the right answer/answers will be gifted with a goodie bag from La Cave à Laine, containing the new products! You'll have until the 19th of September to answer and win!
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