A Tassel a Day: new pattern

Last year, to try out Mérisoie (merino and silk from La Filature de Valgaudemar) I casted on a shawlette: a small shawl. Beginning with a lavender rose and getting on with a deep blue, the shawl is very simple, as all in garter stitch, and it ends with a straightforward lace border. Oh my lace! Yes, but it is so easy to remember that you won't even realise it is lace! To spice it up a bit I have decided to add two tassels and 6 beads. This May I retest it, in linen and silk, to write with a better knowledge (and less memory holes) the pattern. It is a very fun and quick knit that will bring joy to any level knitter. The pattern is comprehensive of the explanation to make the tassels and how to flawless attach them to the shawl. A Tassel a Day is on offer until Sunday the 6th of June 2016, midnight GMT+2! [gallery type="rectangular" link="none" size="medium" ids="305,304,303,302,301,296,297,298,299" orderby="rand"]
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